Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Minggu, 23 September 2012

It's not a cup, nor a jar, it's a pot

What a surprising :D It's not a cup, nor a jar, but it's a pot.
intinya, perlu diingat bahwa a cup berarti cangkir kecil,
a jar dapat berarti kendi
a pot dapat berupa teko atau cangkir besaaaaaaarrrrrr :)

Amanah Itu

Sejatinya amanah itu,
Bukan karena kamu mampu
Bukan pula karena mereka merasa kamu mampu

Bukan karena kamu tahu kapasitasmu
Bukan pula karena mereka tahu kapasitasmu

Dan jangan sampai pula karena kemauanmu

Amanah itu kehendak Allah, rencana Allah atas kehidupanmu.

Bahkan sekiranya semua orang di sekitarmu berhimpun untuk menjauhkanmu dari
amanah itu, jika Allah tahu itu yang terbaik bagimu, maka Ia berikan amanah itu

Bahkan sekiranya semua orang di sekitarmu bersepakat menyatakan bahwa kamu 
tak mampu, jika Allah tahu amanah itu jalan terbaik untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dirimu,
maka Ia berikan amanah itu kepadamu.

Bahkan sekiranya semua orang di sekitarmu berupaya maksimal agar seseorang
yang bukan dirimu yang mengemban amanah itu, jika Allah ingin mendidikmu 
dengan amanah itu, maka Ia berikan amanah itu kepadamu.

Bahkan sekiranya seluruh aibmu seketika memenuhi pikiranmu dan membuatmu
berhenti melangkah karena ragu. Jika Allah tahu amanah itu akan membuatmu menjadi
hamba yang semakin baik dan semakin dekat dengan-Nya, maka amanah
itu akan Ia berikan kepadamu.

Percayalah, ada Rencana Terbaik yang sudah Allah persiapkan.
Sikapilah dengan ikhtiar terbaik yang kamu lakukan,
Serta pertanggungjawaban terbaik yang bisa kamu persiapkan.
Sekali lagi, ini bukan tentang kamu dan mereka, ini tentang kamu dan Dia.
Dan melangkahlah dengan percaya, bahwa bersama-Nya semua akan baik-baik saja

dari buku PPSDMS kak Ifa

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012


It's about twenty, when I woke up in the ninth of July this year..
It's about twenty, that they say you are not a child, even not a teen anymore..
It's about twenty, that they say the flame of the idealisme streaming with your mind..
It's about twenty, when the phrase 'it's up to you', or 'it's on your hand', then or 'you have your own way to be knitted'...
It's about twenty, some condition where you should make your life to be more mature...

It's about twenty..
Just about twenty...
when your age ration have twenty years away.

It's about twenty, and you have to know what you should do,
It's about twenty, and you have to know what you want really to be,
And about twenty, that why you want and how you realizing that. 

Cause you have to know, you have to think, you have to try, you have to pray, but you have not to cry.. keep enjoying.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

From One Knit to a Thing

My first handmade shawl :D It spent almost three months.....
Just because one knit, it was continued, should be continued to became a functional thing
not just a thing....

and also biggest thank's to Fathia Baroroh, the friend and the teacher who thought me how to knit. Thank you Phatyyyyy :D :D 

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

mission, function, and purpose

Today, I  more understand why I'm here and why we are here. I'm here not because suddenly I should here, but because I'm a part of this world. And because of this, so I have my own function for this world. So, I believe that I should try to do my best function, and as my religion say that we are here not for nothing. And as we know, that
"best creature is someone who very useful for the other".
As my religion say so, that "the purpose for the created of human is just for praying to God" that also means, Do God's command and stay away from God's prohitbitation. And doing best for our function is one way to pray for my God.
So.... think first that this life not just alive. This life is a gift that we please to act based on our function. Yes, we can live in a life because we have mission, function, and individual purpose, and that's why we were created.